UK [ˈdezɪɡneɪt]
US [ˈdezɪɡneɪt]
- vt.
- 指明,指出
- 指派
- 表明,意味着
- 把…定名为
- adj.
- 指定而尚未上任的
- 选出而尚未上任的
Word Origin
- 1. Designate a night when you don 't cook .
- 指定一个不用下厨的晚上
- 2. Wales and scotland are expected to designate other marine conservation areas later this year .
- 威尔士和苏格兰也希望在今年晚些时候命名其他一些海洋保护区。
- 3. He promised to designate an ombudsman to look after the rights of foreign businessmen .
- 他承诺将指派一名监察员照顾外商的权利。
- 4. No , the lasting answer , mr olmert offered then , was to designate final , internationally endorsed borders between israel and " the state of palestine " .
- 不会,奥尔默特先生当时提供的持久答案,是标出最终的、获国际认可的以色列和“巴勒斯坦国”的边界。
- 5. They agreed to designate mario draghi , the governor of italy 's central bank , as the successor to jean-claude trichet at the helm of the european central bank ( ecb ) later this year .
- 财长们一致同意任命意大利央行行长马里奥-得拉吉(mariodraghi)继金-克劳德-特里谢(jean-clardetrichet)之后,于今年晚些时候掌管欧洲央行。
more: >如何使用 "designate" 造句