UK [dreɪp]
US [drep]
- vt.
- 将(衣物、帘、斗篷等)悬挂,披
- (用布等)遮盖或装饰某人或某物
- 将某物随便围在或放在另一物上
- [医]在(手术室等处)挂上消毒帷
- n.
- (厚长的)帘子,帷帘,帷幕
- (帘、幕、衣、裙等)悬挂状
- vi.
- 成褶皱状垂下或悬挂
Word Origin
drape 悬挂,帘幕
来自PIE*dhrebh, 击,打,即对棉花,麻布等原材料的初步加工及弹制,其原义见drab. 后该词词义通用化,也用来指加工过的帘子,帷幕等。
- 1. He brought out a shawl which he began to drape carefully over gertrude 's shoulders .
- 他拿出条披巾,小心翼翼地将它披在格特鲁德的肩上。
- 2. We 'll very likely have to drape the heavy clothes over the furniture as it is .
- 我们有可能必须依现况,把厚重的衣物披在俱上。
- 3. A clip drape ship-shape tip-top sock .
- 剪辑褶皱的、船形的、品质一流的袜子。
- 4. A describing index was propoesed for the vivid extent of dynamic fabric drape .
- 提出表达动态悬垂活泼程度的指标。
- 5. And I was lying on the exam table on my stomach , with a drape over me , when in walked this very handsome man .
- 当这个非常帅的男人走进来的时候,我正面朝下躺在手术台上,身上盖着一张布。