UK [eɡ]
US [eɡ]
- n.
- 鸡蛋,蛋
- 卵
- <俚>家伙
- vt.
- 煽动,怂恿
- 用蛋烹调
- <俚>向人扔鸡蛋
Word Origin
egg 蛋,卵
来自PIE*owyo, 蛋,词源同ovum,ovular.
- 1. Some egg products are sold in retail food stores .
- 一些蛋制品也在零售店中销售。
- 2. He found an egg and broke it open .
- 他找到一颗鸡蛋,就把它敲开。
- 3. But the same is true of a fertilized egg .
- 但非植入的受精卵也会出现这种情况。
- 4. Egg and sperm provide about 23000 different genes .
- 卵子和精子提供了大约23000不同的基因。
- 5. And he handed her an egg .
- 他递给她一个鸡蛋。