英 [ˈfɔːnə]
美 [ˈfɔːnə]
- n.
- 动物群
- 动物志
fauna 动物群
来自拉丁语Fauna, Faunua的妻子,姐妹或女儿。-a, 表阴性。瑞典植物学家林奈借用该词来指动物群,以与植物群flora相匹配。
- 1. This national park is an area with unique fauna and flora .
- 该国家公园区域内具有独特的动物种群和植物种群。
- 2. Wind power does undoubtedly pose some hazard to birds and other fauna ; some say it harms humans .
- 毫无疑问,风能会危害到某些鸟类及其它动物;有人称它还会危害人类。
- 3. The fauna of tyva is also unique : you can meet both a reindeer and a camel here .
- 对图瓦的动物也是独一无二的:你可以同时碰到一个驯鹿和骆驼在这里。
- 4. Through it , we learn of the many others the wondrous diversity of flora and fauna with whom we cohabit on this planet .
- 通过它,我们了解到各种令人惊奇的植物群和动物群,让我们知道我们和谁共同居住在地球上。
- 5. Others are accidents of conflict : places from which people have fled and where the fauna and flora have thrived as a result .
- 再来就是战争所产生的偶然之事,人们从那些地方逃离,从而动物群跟植物群都兴隆发展下来。
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