英 [ˈfəʊklɔ:rɪst]
美 [ˈfoʊklɔrɪst]
- n.
- 民俗学研究者
- 1. This event began as " tucson meet yourself " and was founded by university of arizona folklorist dr. jim griffith .
- 这个节日开始于“图森遇见你”由亚利桑那大学民俗博士吉姆格里菲斯创建。
- 2. In 1941 , the folklorist alan lomax travelled throughout the deep south , recording local musicians on behalf of the library of congress .
- 1941年,民俗学家阿伦.洛马克斯长途跋涉,深入南方地区,为国会图书馆记录当地音乐人。
- 3. Folklorist francis lee utley has referred to this area of religious legends as " an uncharted wilderness " that requires the use of numerous sources , both written and oral , for its successful exploration .
- 民俗学家弗朗西斯,李尤特雷把宗教传说这个领域比作“未开垦的处女地”,需要开发取之不尽的口传或手写资源,才能成功地进行探索。
- 4. A folklorist without technical training in music may learn to recognize at least the general character of modal music by listening to the melodies of gregorian chants or by playing the white keys of a piano .
- 没有经过音乐专业培训的民俗学家,至少可以通过格雷戈里的圣歌旋律,或者弹奏钢琴的白键,来熟悉辨认中古教会调式的音乐。
- 5. The infamous fairy tales recorded by the brothers grimm were simply the regional variants the brothers heard from peasants they talked to in germany . The same goes for the incredible volume folk songs of north america , put together by folklorist alan lomax .
- 著名的《格林童话》就是格林兄弟在和德国当地的农夫交谈后记录下来的地域性变异版本;民俗学研究者艾伦.洛马克斯(alanlomax)编写的著作《北美民歌》亦是用类似的方法完成的。