英 [ɡleɪz]
美 [ɡleɪz]
- vt.
- 装玻璃
- 上釉于
- 上光
- vi.
- (目光)变得呆滞无神
- 变得光滑
- n.
- 上釉的表面
- 釉料
- 光滑面
- (浇在糕点上增加光泽的)蛋浆
glaze 装玻璃,上釉,呆滞
词源同glass, 玻璃。字母s,z音变。
- 1. By applying many thin coats of this adapted glaze , he achieved the smoky shadowing he became famous for .
- 通过使用多次调整过的薄釉层,达芬奇获得了这种让他闻名于世的朦胧阴影效果。
- 2. The telegraph then notes that with " the drying times for the glaze taking months , such effects would have taken years to achieve . "
- 每是电讯报后来又指出“釉干燥要花上几个月,而要达到现在我们看到的蒙娜丽莎的效果则要几年。”
- 3. At jingdezhen pigment with a very low-grade cobalt content and high in iron impurities was applied to porcelains beneath the glaze and can be hard to distinguish from underglaze iron painting ( see cat . No. 1:23 ) .
- 钴含量极低、铁杂质浓度很高的景德镇颜料适用于瓷器的底釉,并且很难同釉下铁绘画进行区分(见目录1:23)。
- 4. They believe this characterizes a technique of painting that uses a glaze , or very thin layer , to build up shadows in the face .
- 他们认为这是使用釉料或者很薄的涂层来绘制脸部明暗这个艺术技巧的特征。
- 5. Glaze is mostly translucent , but da vinci would also slip in small amounts of pigments , such as manganese and lead oxides .
- 釉料大多是半透明的,但达芬奇也会添加少量色素,如锰,氧化铅。
更多: >如何使用 "glaze" 造句