UK [ˈhændɪli]
US [ˈhændɪli, -dli]
- adv.
- 方便地
Word Origin
handily 方便地
- 1. Mr straus handily won his own primary challenge , but the tea-party want him binned as speaker when the legislature reconvenes next year .
- 斯特劳斯轻易地赢得了他自己的首战,但是茶党希望当明年立法会在召开时,他能担任发言人。
- 2. The heart of the district has been a republican stronghold since before the civil war . George bush carried it handily , though barack obama won it in 2008 .
- 自内战以前,该区的心脏地带一直是共和党的根据地,布什很轻易地就拿到它,而奥巴马则在2008年赢得了它。
- 3. For all the gloom , most big banks are still forecasting ( or at least aiming for ) returns on equity of 12-15 % , which would handily cover the cost of their capital .
- 对这些阴暗面,大部分大银行仍然将股票收益率预测(或者至少目标是)在可以方便地支付资金成本的12-15%。
- 4. Ministers hope the commissioners will force the police to " do more for less " , in the current jargon . They could also handily shield ministers themselves from blame if the police end up doing less for less .
- 用现在的行话来说,大臣们都希望专员能强迫警察“少拿钱多办事”;如果最后的结果变成警察少拿钱少办事的话,专员们也能方便地保护大臣们免受谴责。
- 5. The capital is adorned with pink signs directing spectators to events , as well as giant union flags handily recycled from the queen 's jubilee .
- 伦敦出现了许多用来引导观众前往项目场地的粉色指示牌,还有顺手从女王钻禧庆典上回收来的英国国旗。