

英 [ˈkaɪzə(r)]word uk audio image

美 [ˈkaɪzər] word us audio image

  • n.
  • [人名] 凯泽


kaiser 皇帝

来自德语Kaiser,来自古罗马执政官凯撒大帝Gaius Julius Caesar.后被德国和俄罗斯借用于皇帝称呼。比较其同源异体词czar,tsar.


1. He had acquired secrets which enabled him to blackmail the chancellor and many of the kaiser 's intimates .
2. So china is a long way from posing the kind of challenge to america that the kaiser 's germany posed to britain in 1900 .
3. Kraepelin retired from teaching at the age of 66 and devoted his remaining years to establishing the german institute for psychiatric research , which became a kaiser wilhelm institute within the university of munich .
4. You can hear this effect for yourselves because a large number of the great and good of the victorian era made recordings of their voices among them robert browning and alfred lord tennyson sarah bernhardt florence nightingale and monarchs such as tsar nicholas ii and kaiser wilhelm ii .
5. You can hear this effect for yourselves , because a large number of the great and good of the victorian era made recordings of their voices , among them robert browning and alfred lord tennyson , sarah bernhardt , florence nightingale , and monarchs such as tsar nicholas ii and kaiser wilhelm ii .

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