UK [ˈlæŋɡwɪʃ]
US [ˈlæŋɡwɪʃ]
- vi.
- 憔悴,潦倒
- (草木等)凋萎
- 失去活力
- 烦恼,焦思
- n.
- 憔悴
- 惹人怜爱的感伤模样[倦态等]
- 脉脉含情
Word Origin
languish 长期受苦,煎熬
- 1. Why do you always let me languish .
- 为什么你总让我憔悴。
- 2. But there 's something more fundamentally wrong in our political and economic system that permits them to do so while the vast majority of people languish in poverty , or are barely keeping their heads above water after paying their taxes , their student debts , their rent and basic necessities .
- 但在我们的政治和经济体制中出了更根本的毛病,它允许人们在大多数人都因贫困而憔悴,或在付清税款、学生债务、房租和日常必需品之后勉强维持生计之时仍然追求财富。
- 3. Legislation that continued to languish in committee .
- 在这个委员会里继续被搁置的立法。
- 4. The children soon began to languish in the heat .
- 孩子们很快就热得懒洋洋的了。
- 5. The film continued to languish unseen .
- 影片继续受无人知晓的折磨。