UK [ˈmaʊθpi:s]
US [ˈmaʊθˌpis]
- n.
- 喉舌
- 乐器的吹口
- 电话话筒
- 代言人
Word Origin
mouthpiece 话筒,喉舌,发言人
- 1. The us media has become the mouthpiece of us foreign policy .
- 美国媒体已经变成了美国外交政策的喉舌。
- 2. The team measured the pressure at the instrument 's mouthpiece , in the middle of its length , and at the output , and witnessed how the train of compression waves built up to the more abrupt shock wave , traveling briefly at about 1 % higher than the speed of sound .
- 研究队伍对乐器不同部分的压力(吹口、中部和出音口)进行了测量,见证了压缩波行列是如何增强为速度超过音速百分之一的更强烈的冲击波这一过程。
- 3. As part of that campaign the english-language government mouthpiece " china daily " is now available on newsstands in the us and uk .
- 作为此项行动的一部分,英语版的政府喉舌《中国日报》如今已可在美国和英国的报摊上买到。
- 4. Even the party 's main mouthpiece , the people 's daily , has endorsed his outspokenness .
- 即使是政府的最大喉舌,人民日报,也都支持他的大胆言论。
- 5. According to china daily , the government 's english-language mouthpiece , a survey by a shanghai hospital found that fewer than 30 percent of callers to a pregnancy hot line knew how to prevent pregnancy .
- 根据中国日报,这份政府的英语喉舌说到,在上海医院做的一份调查中发现拨打孕育热线的人群中不足百分之三十的人知道如避孕孕。