英 [ˈneɪpɑ:m]
美 [ˈneˌpɑm]
- n.
- 凝固汽油,凝固汽油弹
- vt.
- 用凝固汽油炸
napalm 凝固汽油炸弹
缩写自naphthenic palmitic acid,石脑油棕榈酸,用以制作汽油炸弹。
- 1. The three ways to make napalm .
- 制造凝固汽油弹的三种方法。
- 2. The napalm won 't fire !
- 凝固汽油弹点不着!
- 3. The three ways to make napalm : one , you can mix equal parts of gasoline and frozen orange juice concentrate .
- 制造凝固汽油弹的3种方法一混和等量的汽油和冰冻的浓缩橙汁。
- 4. Nick ut / associated presskim phuc , 9 , running after an aerial napalm attack . Vietnam , june 8 , 1972 . See slide 1 .
- 黄功吾/美联社1972年7月8日越南9岁的金菊奔跑于航空凝固汽油弹攻击之后看图1
- 5. Using the fine word " resistance " in reference to the rabble of a cornered tyrant seems to me to be a blow to common sense , particularly when we have heard reports that point to the possession by this tyrant of the dirty weapon par excellence , napalm .
- 把“抵抗”这样的褒义词用在一个走投无路的暴君手下的乌合之众身上,在我看来无异于打了常识一个耳光,尤其是在我们听到报道说这个暴君拥有凝固汽油弹这种威力超凡的肮脏武器的时候。