UK [ˈnaɪɪlɪzəm]
US [ˈnaɪəˌlɪzəm, ˈni-]
- n.
- 虚无主义,极端怀疑论
Word Origin
nihilism 虚无主义
- 1. Well , I would say one ends up in nihilism .
- 我认为将是虚无主义。
- 2. Nihilism is not the stuff of legacy .
- 虚无主义不会留下什么遗产。
- 3. Those who understand the purpose of life and avoid nihilism completely will never utter these words .
- 然而一个懂得生活真谛并且和虚无主义不沾边的人是绝对不会说出这样的话的。
- 4. But even if structural breaks cannot be predicted , that is no excuse for nihilism .
- 不过,即使结构性突变无法预测,这也不能成为虚无主义的借口。
- 5. Shackle-lachmann nihilism or kirzner 's " discovery " approach to the market process were the new paradigms that young austrian scholars were now immersed in .
- 现在年轻的奥派学者深受沙克尔-拉赫曼的虚无主义或柯兹纳关于市场过程的“发现”方法的新范式之害。
more: >如何使用 "nihilism" 造句