UK [nɔːt]
US [nɔːt]
- n.
- 零
- 没有
Word Origin
nought 零,没有
- 1. Attempts to end the price war have come to nought .
- 想要结束价格战是不可能的。
- 2. If thou must love me , let it be for nought
- 君若定爱我,请勿因它故,
- 3. Being however is an absolute absence of attributes , and so is nought .
- 但“有”既只是纯粹无规定者,而“无”也同样的没有规定性。
- 4. The elements whose unity constitute mind are not the bare abstracts of being and nought , but the system of the logical idea and of nature .
- 构成精神的统一的各环节,并不是有与无的单纯抽象概念,而是逻辑理念和自然的体系。
- 5. But if to have no notion merely means that we cannot represent in imagination the oneness of being and nought , the statement is far from being true ; for everyone has countless ways of envisaging this unity .
- 但是如果“不能形成概念”只是指我们不能想象或表象有与无的统一,那末这话事实上并不可靠,因为宁可说每人对于有无的统一均有无数多的表象。
more: >如何使用 "nought" 造句