UK [ˈɒlɪgɑ:ki]
US [ˈɑləgɑrki]
- n.
- 寡头统治的政府
- 寡头政治的执政集团
- 寡头统治的国家
Word Origin
oligarchy 寡头政治
- 1. In the 1990s we encountered both anarchy and oligarchy .
- 在20世纪90年代我们接触到了政治混乱还有寡头政治。
- 2. The result could be a china that falls into a stagnant oligarchy like that of russia .
- 结果可能导致中国沦为像俄罗斯那样的经济停滞不前的寡头政治。
- 3. He fears the way soes are being privatised might create an oligarchy of a wealthy elite controlling the country 's resources , as in russia .
- 用现在的方法实行民营化,有可能产生像俄罗斯那样产生由富有精英们组成的寡头政治控制整个国家的资源。
- 4. This sense can only grow in the face of a government that increasingly resembles an oligarchy , a plaything of party grandees .
- 在面对越来越像寡头政治即党内显要玩物的内阁时,这种情绪只会增强。
- 5. The greeks knew that democracy is not likely to fall to the charms of totalitarianism , authoritarianism , or oligarchy ; it 's much more likely to fall to a corrupted version of itself .
- 希腊人曾经知道,民主不会败于极权主义、独裁统治或寡头政治的诱惑力;它更可能被毁于自身腐化变质的版本。