UK [pɪɡ]
US [pɪɡ]
- n.
- 猪
- 猪肉
- 令人不快(或讨厌)的人
- 金属块(锭)
- vi.
- 生小猪
- 像猪一样过活
- 举止像猪
- 贪吃
- vt.
- 吃得过量,大吃特吃
- 生小猪
Word Origin
pig 猪
- 1. Why would the acceleration of the pig be constant ?
- 绿猪的加速度为什么应该是恒定的?
- 2. The pig , although tiny , had a good appetite and caught on quickly .
- 这只小猪虽然很小,胃口却很好,学得也快。
- 3. Some sectors , notably dairy and pig farming , continue to struggle .
- 有些行业,特别是乳制品和生猪蓄养行业,还在不断挣扎着。
- 4. China 's pig prices are susceptible to a boom-and-bust cycle that has seen prices fluctuate wildly in recent years .
- 中国的猪肉价格容易受到盛衰周期的影响,近几年来,价格出现了剧烈的波动。
- 5. Then gingerbread man met a pig .
- 然后,姜饼人遇到了一头猪。