英 [ˌplænɪˈteəriəm]
美 [ˌplænɪˈteriəm]
- n.
- 天文馆
- 天象仪
planetarium 天文馆
- 1. Johns hopkins and adler planetarium researchers took the prize for informational posters .
- 约翰霍普金斯大学和阿德勒天文馆的研究人员获得信息海报奖。
- 2. And the cambodians have actually controlled the hayden planetarium from their high school .
- 柬埔寨人通过他们的高中实际上可以控制海登天文馆。
- 3. The portable planetarium gave students a chance to view mars , constellations and the milky way galaxy .
- 这种便携天象仪让学生们有机会一睹火星、星座和银河系景象。
- 4. We 're actually sharing tours of the universe with the first sub-saharan planetarium in ghana as well as new libraries that have been built in the ghettos in columbia and a high school in cambodia .
- 我们事实上正在与加纳的第一撒哈拉沙漠南的天文馆建得一样好的位于哥伦比亚贫民区的新建成的图书馆和柬埔寨的一所高中共同来分享太空之旅。
- 5. Aristotle thought the stars were all exactly the same distance away , stuck to a dark shell that surrounded the earth like the dome of a planetarium .
- 亚里士多德认为所有星星离我们的距离都是相等的,它们镶嵌在一个环绕在地球四周的,像天文馆的穹顶一样的黑色的硬壳上。