UK [ˈpəʊtʃə(r)]
US [ˈpoʊtʃər]
- n.
- 偷猎者
- 偷猎者成了猎物保护人
- 侵入他人地界者
- 煮蛋用的锅
Word Origin
poacher 偷猎者
- 1. This was probably the work of a poacher .
- 这很可能是一个偷猎者干的。
- 2. More than 5 years ago , she narrowly escaped a poacher after a bullet shattered her beak .
- 5年多以前,在被子弹击碎鸟喙后,她险象环生地逃脱了偷猎者的追捕。
- 3. There are 14 of them , and they have failed to nab a single poacher for more than a year .
- 他们有14人,并且他们花费了一年多的事件都无法逮捕到仅一个非法偷猎者。
- 4. These grainy photographs show the man , who some believe to be a poacher , striding towards his quarry and apparently cutting its throat before phoning an accomplice .
- 这些斑驳不清的照片中,一个被认为是偷猎者的人走近他的猎物,明显看出先割断它的喉咙然后给帮凶打了电话。
- 5. However , he fears that both he and the photographer are at risk of reprisals , especially as the farming family which owns the field believes the mystery man in the images is a poacher .
- 但是,他认为自己以及拍摄这些照片的人都有受到报复的危险,尤其是在拥有那片农场的人家说照片中的神秘人是个偷猎者之后。
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