UK [prɪˈdɒmɪneɪt]
US [prɪˈdɑːmɪneɪt]
- vi.
- 占支配地位
- (数量上)占优势
- vt.
- 在…中占优势
- 支配,统治
- adj.
- 同predominant
Word Origin
predominate 占优势,主导
- 1. In addition , economies are adaptable . Substitution effects predominate .
- 另外,经济是具有适应性的,替代作用在其中占支配地位。
- 2. Think twice about making any major life changes when twos predominate .
- 当数字2主导的时候,做任何会改变人生的重大决定前请三思。
- 3. Two themes predominate : economic rationality and social injustice .
- 两个主题占据了优势:经济合理性和社会不公正。
- 4. And it is tribal , family or muslim affiliations that usually predominate , not the concept of nation ; or not as obama uses the word .
- 而且通常占主导地位的是部落、家族或穆斯林从属关系,而非国家这个概念,至少不是奥巴马用这个词的意思。
- 5. The views of the left wing have tended to predominate within the party .
- 左翼的观点趋向于在该党党内占支配地位.