UK [ˈruːmə(r)]
US [ˈruːmər]
- n.
- 传闻,谣言
- 流言
- vt.
- 谣传
Word Origin
- 1. Rumour is rife that he is in iranian hands .
- 流传的谣言说,他在伊朗手中。
- 2. Mr romney himself quickly denied the rumour .
- 罗姆尼先生迅即对此传言进行了否认。
- 3. The greybeards are back , some in rumour but others in fact .
- 老人们回来,有一些是传闻,但其他一部分的确成为事实。
- 4. To sailors 500 years ago it was frightening enough that rumour got around .
- 对于500年前的水手来说,如此恐怖的景象足够让流言四处传播。
- 5. Local rumour ascribed it to the advice of fortune-tellers , who foretold revolt and disaster in yangon .
- 当地谣传,此举源于算命先生的占卜,他们预言仰光会有叛乱和灾难发生。
more: >如何使用 "rumour" 造句