UK [ˈsnaɪpə(r)]
US ['snaɪpər]
- n.
- 狙击手
- 狙击兵
Word Origin
sniper 狙击手 sniper 狙击手
snipe,狙击,伏击,-er,人。 中世纪英国人生活其实很苦,没啥肉可吃,但是森林多,所以时不时捕鸟解解馋。但是snipe [snaɪp] n.鹬鸟,感觉异常灵敏,所以很不好捉到,即使步枪发明后,枪手也需要隐蔽的很好才可能不被发现,所以sniper狙击手(猎捕snipe之人),多单独活动,用树枝和山石等来隐蔽。
- 1. The u.s. sniper 's more accurate , quieter rifle
- 美军狙击手将配发射击精度更高,更安静的狙击步枪
- 2. I stood in what was a little girl 's bedroom but was now a sniper 's nest .
- 我站在一间小女孩的卧室里,现在它已经是一个狙击手的窝了。
- 3. The sniper runs from mahone down the stairwell , and linc 's waiting at the bottom .
- 狙击手从马宏手下逃脱,跑下楼顶,林肯正在楼底埋伏等他。
- 4. More people came to visit graves of friends and relatives as the dense fog protected them from sniper fire .
- 更多的人都选择在浓雾中来此悼念亲朋好友,因为浓雾可以保护他们免受狙击手袭击。
- 5. Multiple insurgents with automatic machine guns opened fire about seven hours after a sniper also shot at the base .
- 一名塔利班狙击手首先攻击基地,7小时后,装备有自动机枪的多名塔利班武装分子发动了袭击。
more: >如何使用 "sniper" 造句