UK [traɪt]
US [traɪt]
- adj.
- (言语、想法等)老生常谈的,陈腐的,老一套的
Word Origin
trite 陈腐的,老套的
来自拉丁语 tritus,穿旧的,过去分词格于 terere,转,刮,磨下,词源同 turn,throw.引申词义陈 腐的,老套的。
- 1. Better , surely , to face the coming storm on that foundation , than on a trite slogan that could be your undoing .
- 要面对欲将来袭的风暴,当然最好是在这一基础上做好准备,而固守一个陈腐的口号可能会导致毁灭。
- 2. I know that that sounds almost trite to say it , but they have to get involved .
- 我知道这听上去有点老套,但是他们必须参与进来。
- 3. Evil loomed large and dramatic on the face of the planet , and it was something of a shock to find its incarnation in such commonplace , trite human beings as eichmann and the thousands of others who were simply " obeying orders " .
- 罪恶张牙舞爪地向这个行星表面迫近,令人震惊的是,它竟然化身为平凡迂腐如艾希曼之流,这些人的罪行只是简单的“服从命令”。
- 4. Repeated too often ; trite or hackneyed .
- 陈腐的重复太多的;陈词或滥调的。
- 5. In fact the photo would have made the idea trite .
- 事实上,照片会作出的陈腐观念。