UK [ˈtru:ɪzəm]
US [ˈtruˌɪzəm]
- n.
- 自明之理,老生常谈
Word Origin
truism 自明之理,老生常谈的道理
- 1. Of course this is a perfect example of truism .
- 当然这都是老生常谈的东西。
- 2. On one level , this is simply a truism .
- 从某种程度上讲,这是一个自明之理。
- 3. It is a truism that scientists know more about the surface of mars than they do about the surface of the earth , but it is also true .
- 科学家们对火星表面的了解甚于他们对地球表面的了解,这句话听上去难免觉得有些老套,但也是事实。
- 4. The truism that banking is a confidence game barely needs repeating .
- 银行业是一场信心博弈已是老生常谈。
- 5. It has become a truism , buttressed by the hard realities of economic performance , that the 21st century will belong to asia .
- 21世纪将属于亚洲,这已成为老生常谈,经济表现的现实支持着这种说法。