UK [ven'di:]
US [ven'di]
- n.
- 买方,买主
Word Origin
- 1. After a transaction is concluded , the vendee and the auctioneer shall execute a written confirmation .
- 拍卖成交后,买受人和拍卖人应当签署成交确认书。
- 2. The vendor shall deliver the goods to the vendee by .
- 日前将货交给买方。
- 3. Article 31 the bid winner or the vendee shall , after obtaining the prospecting permit or mining permit , make the survey or start the construction in accordance with the relevant provisions .
- 第三十一条中标人、竞得人领取勘查许可证或采矿许可证后,应当按照有关规定进行勘查或施工。
- 4. The bidder quoting the highest price within the period of quotation shall be the vendee , who shall sign the quotation deal confirmation letter with the land arrangement center .
- 在挂牌期内,竞价最高者为竞得人,并由土地整理中心与竞得人签订《挂牌成交确认书》。
- 5. After the delivery of the ship , the maritime court shall issue a public notice through newspapers or other news media , announcing that the ship has been auctioned openly and delivered to the vendee .
- 船舶移交后,海事法院应当通过报纸或者其他新闻媒体发布公告,公布船舶已经公开拍卖并移交给买受人。