How to Use "qualify" with Example Sentences

1. However , the new figures clarify and qualify the productivity story in important ways .
2. Forty states are competing for this money , and many of them have changed their laws in order to qualify .
3. Unless the formula for calculating the fees for a loan guarantee is changed , it seems unlikely that any new plants will qualify , at a fee they can afford , in states that have deregulated their energy markets .
4. Still others are more likely to take a pass in states known for making it tough to apply or qualify , or for investigating applicants whose eligibility is questionable , says claire mckenna of the national employment law project .
5. To qualify , states had to agree to evaluate teachers by student test scores , to award bonuses to teachers based on student scores , to permit more privately managed charter schools , and to " turn around " low-performing schools by such methods as firing the staffs and closing the schools .