如何使用 "dialectic" 造句

1. Hegelian dialectic begins with a thesis , initially taken to be true .
2. Thus as life is the initial particularisation , so it results in the negative self asserting unity : in the dialectic of its corporeity it only coalesces with itself .
3. He used to turn dialectic , first against ordinary consciousness , and then especially against the sophists .
4. In a subject at once so humble and so heavy with emotion , the learned and classical dialectic must yield , one can see , to a more modest attitude of mind deriving at one and the same time from common sense and understanding .
5. Such a style of dialectic looks only at the negative aspect of its result , and fails to notice , what is at the same time really present , the definite result , in the present case a pure nothing , but a nothing which includes being , and , in like manner , a being which includes nothing .