

How to pronounce go in British English: UK [ɡəʊ]word uk audio image

How to pronounce go in American English: US [ɡoʊ] word us audio image

  • Noun:
    a time for working (after which you will be relieved by someone else)
    street names for methylenedioxymethamphetamine
    a usually brief attempt
    a board game for two players who place counters on a grid; the object is to surround and so capture the opponent's counters
  • Verb:
    change location; move, travel, or proceed
    follow a procedure or take a course
    move away from a place into another direction
    enter or assume a certain state or condition
    be awarded; be allotted
    have a particular form
    stretch out over a distance, space, time, or scope; run or extend between two points or beyond a certain point
    follow a certain course
    be abolished or discarded
    be or continue to be in a certain condition
    make a certain noise or sound
    perform as expected when applied
    to be spent or finished
    progress by being changed
    continue to live; endure or last
    pass, fare, or elapse; of a certain state of affairs or action
    pass from physical life and lose all all bodily attributes and functions necessary to sustain life
    be in the right place or situation
    be ranked or compare
    begin or set in motion
    have a turn; make one's move in a game
    be contained in
    be sounded, played, or expressed
    blend or harmonize
    lead, extend, or afford access
    be the right size or shape; fit correctly or as desired
    go through in search of something; search through someone's belongings in an unauthorized way
    be spent
    give support (to) or make a choice (of) one out of a group or number
    stop operating or functioning
  • Adjective:
    functioning correctly and ready for action

Word Origin

go: [OE] Go is an ancient verb, traceable back to a prehistoric Indo-European base *ghēi- or *ghē-. This seems to have been relatively unproductive outside the Germanic languages (Sanskrit hā-, hī- ‘leave’ and Greek kikhánō ‘reach’ may be descendants of it), but it has provided the basic word for ‘move along, proceed’ in all the Germanic languages, including German gehen, Dutch gaan, Swedish gā, Danish gaa, and English go. In Old and Middle English its past tense was ēode, later yode, a word of uncertain origin, but from about 1500 this was replaced by went, originally the past tense of wend.
go (v.)
Old English gan "to advance, walk; depart, go away; happen, take place; conquer; observe, practice, exercise," from West Germanic *gaian (cognates: Old Saxon, Old Frisian gan, Middle Dutch gaen, Dutch gaan, Old High German gan, German gehen), from PIE *ghe- "to release, let go" (cognates: Sanskrit jihite "goes away," Greek kikhano "I reach, meet with"), but there does not seem to be general agreement on a list of cognates. A defective verb throughout its recorded history; the Old English past tense was eode, a word of uncertain origin but evidently once a different verb (perhaps connected to Gothic iddja); it was replaced 1400s by went, past tense of wenden "to direct one's way" (see wend). In northern England and Scotland, however, eode tended to be replaced by gaed, a construction based on go. In modern English, only be and go take their past tenses from entirely different verbs. The word in its various forms and combinations takes up 45 columns of close print in the OED. Meaning "cease to exist" is from c. 1200; that of "to appear" (with reference to dress, appearance, etc.) is from late 14c.; that of "to be sold" is from early 15c. Meaning "to be known" (with by) is from 1590s; that of "pass into another condition or state" is from 1580s. From c. 1600 as "to wager," hence also "to stand treat," and to go (someone) better in wagering (1864). Meaning "say" emerged 1960s in teen slang. Colloquial meaning "urinate or defecate" attested by 1926, euphemistic (compare Old English gong "a privy," literally "a going"). To go back on "prove faithless to" is from 1859; to go under in the figurative sense "to fail" is from 1849. To go places "be successful" is by 1934.
go (n.)
1727, "action of going," from use of go (v.) to start a race, etc. Meaning "an incident, an occurrence, affair, piece of business" is from 1796. Meaning "power of going, dash, vigor" is from 1825, colloquial, originally of horses. The sense of "an attempt, a try or turn at doing something" (as in give it a go, have a go at) is from 1825 (earlier it meant "a delivery of the ball in skittles," 1773). Meaning "something that goes, a success" is from 1876. Phrase on the go "in constant motion" is from 1843. Phrase from the word go "from the beginning" is by 1834. The go "what is in fashion" is from 1793. No go "of no use" is from 1825.
go (adj.)
"in order," 1951, originally in aerospace jargon, from go (v.).



1. Why should I go there ?
2. Where do you go swimming ?
3. Where do you go skiing ?
4. Where do you go hiking ?
5. Perhaps I should go alone .

more: >How to Use "go" with Example Sentences